Today's blog-post is dedicated to all the wonderful women out there...
Every year, on the 8th of March, we commemorate women's achievements across all fields and we use this day as a reminder to the World to renew our commitment to gender equality.
While today is a day to celebrate the strong, powerful, wonderful women; a day to admire them as we come across their stories in a magazine, in the media or on our timeline on our social media; I would like to address this blog-post to the woman whom you cross-path with while on your way to work, to the woman whom you see rushing to be on time to work, to the woman who sits next to you in the public transport with her earphones plugged in and lost in her own thought, to the woman dropping her kids at school, to the woman striving so hard to get things done right for their family, their friends, their children or for themselves. YOU.
As women, we have many amazing attributes- strong, gentle, empathetic, resilient, including selflessness. Throughout our existence, we have been conditioned to believe that we should always be putting others first. While you are reading stories about inspiring women who are taking amazingly giant strides and are getting things rolling for the upcoming generations, it is important for you, beautiful women out there, to take time and appreciate your own struggles and accomplishments. You deserve that moment of taking pride of doing whatever you feel is right for yourself. There's absolutely nothing wrong in being a little bit selfish today, and everyday.
Every and every time, you feel like what you are doing is of no significance, I want you to remember that there is always another woman looking up to you, and secretly wishing to be as wonderful as you are- and that woman could be anyone- a friend, a niece, your daughter, a colleague, a follower from your social media or even that random stranger you often cross path with, While you may believe of yourself as invisible, people notice what you are doing. They might be looking at you in awe and appreciating all the little things that you are doing.
I believe that, women with the right mindset can achieve anything. Like absolutely anything. Trust me. And you know what's better- it is when you are building yourself up, you should not hesitate to pull up other women along with you and fixing each other's crown. Women standing up for each other is more beneficial than women standing against each other, for, it not only improves the environment you thrive in, but also improves your self-confidence, builds up your self-respect and at the same time, open more doors to limitless endeavors that you can actually achieve together. Because when one of us wins, all of us win.
So next time, you see a lady wearing a cute outfits, do not hesitate to compliment her rather than just staring her from head to toes. Smile at each other when you walk across the aisle of the supermarkets when doing grocery shopping. Celebrate your friend's success without questioning your own. Be present for other women's success. Don't make everything a competition. I believe in the therapeutic value of a woman helping out another woman, rather than tearing others down.
So cheers to all the amazing women out there, whether you are a working mom, an entrepreneur, a side hustler, a stay-at-home mom, an employee, or a student. Here's wishing you all a Happy Women's Day đź’“
Till my next post,
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