Ever since I started out this blog, there is one thing I can be sure about doing on time, it’s writing the eoy blogpost. And this year shall not be different. Tbh, 2020 has been one hell of a year, peeps. Like honestly peeps, a year ago, if you told me what 2020 had in reserve for us all, I wouldn’t have spent the little money I usually do on firecrackers to celebrate New Year. I would have stayed inside my house and watch tv till I fall asleep on the couch. Now we all are going to look back at this year from the corner of the eyes, pretending as if we are not even looking at it. But that isn’t going to change it, is it? Marked by a pandemic, a blow on the world economy and a light at the end of tunnel in the form of the vaccines, we are now preparing to welcome 2021 more cautiously than ever. However, I would like to look at 2020 in a good light- From the view of The Common Island Girl, because I want to bring out the positive and good things it brought me, overlooking ...