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Life lessons I am carrying with me into 2019

Let us give a big thumb up to the 12 months we have wasted and to the upcoming 12 months we are going to waste in a more creative manner!

As we are only 1 day away from New Year, most of us have already done an introspective on how we have spent 2018.

TBH, although I feel that the year flew by in just a blink of the eye, 2018 has been a year full of new challenges and lessons. Of course, those lessons are beautiful gifts that do not necessarily come in beautiful gift wraps but will be of use in the long run. So, I thought, why not share some of them with you all beautiful people
  1. No matter what happen in life, family always comes first. They are the only people who will truly support you all the times. And also, one thing we have to remember is that family is not always about the blood relations and there is no such thing as the perfect family. There will be moments of joy, moments of sorrows, misunderstandings, arguments, conflicts, forgiveness, love, fun, .... but at the end of the day, that's what family is about.
  2. Not everybody who is friendly with you, is your well-wisher. I have seen people who flip in no time once they obtain what they needed from you. Some people are manipulative and full of deceit. I realized that I should never ignore that little inner voice's warning because our instincts will never be wrong. Some people will give you trust issues but all we need is that small circle of close people on whom we can rely 100%. I am glad and grateful for the family and good friends I have. 
  3. People will judge you no matter what you do in life. When I used to be heavier, I was being told that I should lose weight; now that I am working on myself towards a better self, I am constantly being judged for being too health conscious and "too thin". You can choose ignore it, but sometimes, it can get on your nerves. My mom always reminds me that people are not here to decide what you should do in your life. Your decisions, your choices, none of their business. Do not let people's judgement get at you. Of course, it's normal to be shaken up at first, but then, at the end of the day, you are the one to decide who runs your life- You or Their Opinions on how to live your life.

  4. Just because some people earn more than you do, it does not mean that they deserve to be more respected than you. It also does not mean that they are better than you, as a person. Your attitude towards others defines who you are and determines whether you deserve to be respected. I really appreciate those people who always greet you with a smile. They brighten my day. A smile does not cost you anything. Money is not everything. 
  5. Life is short and unpredictable. Don't hold grudges for too long. One fine Sunday morning, I received the sad news that a colleague who shared the same office space as I, passed away. It was a shock for me as that person always shared his "joie-de-vivre", positive thinking, fitness tips with his surrounding till the end. I believe that his sudden demise taught all the people who knew him, the value of always being kind, helpful and positive towards others while we are still here. You never know what's waiting for us~ so, be kind, be polite, be helpful without letting others trample on you. 
  6. At the beginning of the year, I had set up realistic resolutions, some of which I have successfully achieved and some of which I have failed miserably. So, I am more than motivated to set new goals to achieve next year. It's always about taking one small step at a time, because any progress is progress. 

At every end of year, we emerge being a new person with new goals and dreams. And as we enter the New year, we prepare ourselves for a whole new set of challenges that will test us at every level, push our limits a little bit further than the previous year. But what we should not forget is that the New Year will also bring happiness, love, laughter and a whole new level of excitement. A positive attitude will get you through any situation.

On this note, I wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that you all get unlimited reasons to celebrate each and every day as you discover new joys at every step of your life.

Till the next post,


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